123LIVE.ZIP 1123,687 06-02-96 "Living Numbers - Version 1.0 A highlyinteractive windows based multimediapreschool math program. Using realphotographs, digital sounds, animation, andmusic the program keeps childrens interest
AECT31.ZIP 348,600 06-05-96 ADVANCED ENGLISH COMPUTER TUTOR (AECT v3.1)Program to Learn Advanced English. Fullycompatible with XT/286/386/486/PentiumTXT/EGA/VGA/SVGA;DOS 3.1+ or Windows 3.1& 95(AECT) is an INTERACTIVE tutorial that
BIGMA235.ZIP 151,407 05-28-96 BIG MATH ATTACK! tests your math skillsspelling, typing and metric conversionsskills in a fun arcade environment. Severalskill levels are available that makes thisprogram suitable for both children and
CBWIN22.ZIP 98,933 06-23-96 The Popular Coloring Book V2.2 For Windows!!A classic kid's toy is now here for your PC.Includes 10 pictures (34 pictures are in theregistered version.) The program supports 50
CRAYON41.ZIP 288,341 05-29-96 CRAYON BOX 4.1 Coloring book & kid gamesKeeps the kids entertained for hours! Asketch/paint/coloring book, math quizzer,counting & color identification, USA statesgame, spirals, Concentration memory game,
FARMWN50.ZIP 406,047 05-01-96 FARM ANIMALS FOR WINDOWS, v5.0, is anenjoyable coloring program for children ofall ages, but is especially useful forintroducing young children to the computer.Farm Animals for Windows was designed by
GB308.ZIP 746,032 07-31-96 GradeBook For Windows v3.08 <ASP>. AdvancedWindows based electronic gradebook for theprofessional educator with extensive on-linehelp. User categories, opt ID#'s, tot pt orweighted scores, discard worst scores, extra
GVG350.ZIP 370,697 05-11-96 GRENVILLE GRADER 3.50 (was MAKING THE GRADE)Gradebook program for teachers, uses spread-sheet data entry, graphs and statisticalmeasures, editor for keeping notes on stud-ents, writing up tests or course outlines,
GVGP350.ZIP 668,540 05-11-96 GRENVILLE GRADER PLUS 3.50 (was MTG Plus)Gradebook program for teachers, uses spread-sheet data entry, graphs and statisticalmeasures, editor for keeping notes on stud-ents, writing up tests or course outlines,
GVGU102.ZIP 206,380 05-11-96 GRENVILLE GRADER UTILITY 1.02 GVGU is afree,add-on utility for users of GrenvilleGrader, a teachers' gradebookapplication.GVGU provides additional func-tions such as exporting/importing data be-
LILPIC12.ZIP 249,296 05-29-96 Lil' Picasso - Coloring book for children.Great paint/drawing program for futureartists. Push button interface makes it easyfor even the youngest child to create amasterpiece. Includes several pre-drawn cute
LLABC20.ZIP 1231,898 06-02-96 "Living Letters - ABC edition", Version 2.0 Ahighly interactive windows based multimediaABC program. Using real photographs, digitalsounds, and music the program keeps childrens
LWORD_10.ZIP 874,302 05-11-96 Lost Words for Windows Word Game v1.00 Aneducational word game. The "best" word searchtype puzzle program yet. Has many educationalfeatures like definitions and subjecttesting. Comes with multiple subjects (or
MTWIN15.ZIP 851,491 06-01-96 A MUSICAL TUTORIAL v1.5 Windows 95/3.1 <ASP>An excellent way to encourage musical studyusing a graphically oriented environment.Treble / bass note & chord sight reading.Associate notes to piano keys. Chord dict.
QUIZ305.ZIP 182,687 05-29-96 Create A Quiz - Lets you generate your ownon-screen interactive quizzes. Great forteachers and students. Quizzes can also beprinted out. Can be used in a stand-alonekiosk environment. 1-9 participants may play
RMATFA13.ZIP 546,397 05-27-96 Roxie's Math Fish <WIN31> is a multimediagame designed to teach your child addition,subtraction, multiplication and division.With attractive animation and excellent soundeffects, Roxie the cat will play "Go Fish"
SM111.ZIP 1322,791 07-04-96 R&R School Maestro For Windows v1.11 <ASP>.Advanced Windows based software for theprofessional educator with extensive on-linehelp. User categories, opt ID#'s, tot pt orweighted scores, discard worst scores, extra
SPELL210.ZIP 182,065 05-29-96 SHOW 'N SPELL-EGA graphic spelling bee! A funway for children (& adults?) to increasetheir spelling skills. Random pictures appearfor you to identify and spell. 3 skilllevels. Play against the clock. Imports
STRATS25.ZIP 448,015 07-21-96 Strategies to Reduce College Costs v2.5 con-tains concise $ saving financial aid facts.Learn how to: Est. and increase aid, play"What IF?" to test aid-increasing scenarios,answer aid form questionsa Think Ahead must
WC14.ZIP 203,217 05-31-96 WORD CHALLENGE v1.4 An educational andentertaining word game for 1 or 2 players.Consists of 4 games in one: Hangman,Anagrams, Vocabulary & Spelling, andTrackword. Shareware version has 200 words in
WSPELL12.ZIP 1142,133 07-01-96 WEEKLY SPELLER v1.2 Windows 95/3.1 <ASP> Anexcellent way to encourage children topractice weekly spelling lists. Provides aneasy mechanism to quickly input spellinglists that can immediately be used for